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What Type of Roof Shingles are Best for Philippine Houses?

roof shingles

Here's What BITC Roof Tiles Knows About Roof Shingles

The Philippines is a tropical country located in Southeast Asia, where the archipelago experiences hot and rainy seasons within a year. Because of this, houses were designed to withstand storms, as well as withstand the heat during summer. This also includes the different roof designs that are popular in the country.

If you are planning to construct a house in the Philippines, it’s important to know the correct materials to use in order to make sure that your house is safe. When you contact your chosen roofing company for your house roofing services, they might offer you a variety of roofing options, which include roof shingles.

Here are some of the best roof shingles to choose when building a Philippine house:

Asphalt Shingles

Asphalt Shingles​

This is one of the most popular and most affordable asphalt shingle available in the Philippines. They are durable against the country’s harsh weather, and are also relatively easy to install. Plus, these shingles also come in many different colors, making it easy for you to select the perfect one for your house!

The 3-tab asphalt shingles can easily be recognized by looking at the horizontal patterns of the roof, and if maintained properly, can last for up to 20 years. Meanwhile, dimensional roof shingles are more aesthetically pleasing that add more depth to your roof. Lastly, luxury asphalt shingles are more sophisticated and elaborate in design, with unique shapes that can give your house a new look!

Wood Shingles

If you don’t want to use asphalt for your roof shingles, then you should try wood! They are actually more durable, and are even eco-friendly, which can last up to 50 years if well-maintained. This is also perfect for the Philippines, since the country is rich in natural resources and an easy source of durable wood. However, it’s worth noting that wood shingles are not recommended for houses near fire hazards, or you might risk burning the house down!

In terms of durability and strength, clay tiles are your best option! These roofing tiles can last up to a hundred years, and are resistant to both fire and strong winds. In a country like the Philippines, where the climate cycles between hot summer days and strong typhoons, clay tiles would be a perfect investment for your house roof. The only downside to this is that clay tile roofs are particularly expensive to install, so it’s best that you save for this early on. Despite that, investing in such a roofing would greatly benefit your home, as well as provide great aesthetics to anyone passing by!

Whether which of the following roof shingles you would prefer for your house, it’s always best to do your own research and consult professional roof technicians on what they would recommend. That way, you can ensure that your house would not only look good, but it is also safe, durable, and would last a lifetime! If you’re interested in having a roof installation service, be sure to contact the best roofing contractors near you.